Edelweiss MF SIP Campaign 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Kotak Nifty SDL Apr 2032 Top 12 Equal Weight Index Fund Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 12.2384
24-02-2025 12.2445
21-02-2025 12.2705
20-02-2025 12.2701
18-02-2025 12.2693
17-02-2025 12.2484
14-02-2025 12.2312
13-02-2025 12.2247
12-02-2025 12.246
11-02-2025 12.2472
10-02-2025 12.2287
07-02-2025 12.2381
06-02-2025 12.2528
05-02-2025 12.2334
04-02-2025 12.2187
03-02-2025 12.2278
31-01-2025 12.2064
30-01-2025 12.222
29-01-2025 12.2256
28-01-2025 12.2268
27-01-2025 12.2461
24-01-2025 12.2001
23-01-2025 12.188
22-01-2025 12.2173
21-01-2025 12.2219
20-01-2025 12.1942
17-01-2025 12.1719
16-01-2025 12.1567
15-01-2025 12.1327
14-01-2025 12.108
13-01-2025 12.1402
10-01-2025 12.165
09-01-2025 12.1615
08-01-2025 12.149
07-01-2025 12.1579
06-01-2025 12.1313
03-01-2025 12.1331
02-01-2025 12.156
01-01-2025 12.1235
31-12-2024 12.1245
30-12-2024 12.1414
27-12-2024 12.1503
26-12-2024 12.1403
24-12-2024 12.1434
23-12-2024 12.1279
20-12-2024 12.1146
19-12-2024 12.125
18-12-2024 12.1361
17-12-2024 12.1235
16-12-2024 12.1184
13-12-2024 12.1147
12-12-2024 12.1223
11-12-2024 12.1355
10-12-2024 12.1219
09-12-2024 12.1111
06-12-2024 12.0853
05-12-2024 12.1064
04-12-2024 12.1006
03-12-2024 12.1022
02-12-2024 12.077
29-11-2024 12.0386
28-11-2024 12.0365
27-11-2024 12.0351
26-11-2024 12.0468
25-11-2024 12.0566
22-11-2024 12.0562
21-11-2024 12.0568
19-11-2024 12.0444
18-11-2024 12.0375
14-11-2024 12.0322
13-11-2024 12.0356
12-11-2024 12.0278
11-11-2024 12.0229
08-11-2024 12.027
07-11-2024 12.0081
06-11-2024 12.0256
05-11-2024 12.031
04-11-2024 12.0369
31-10-2024 11.9984
30-10-2024 11.9964
29-10-2024 12.0063
28-10-2024 11.9879
25-10-2024 11.9948
24-10-2024 11.9943
23-10-2024 11.9958
22-10-2024 12.0037
21-10-2024 12.0014
18-10-2024 12.0111
17-10-2024 12.0092
16-10-2024 12.0037
15-10-2024 11.9977
14-10-2024 11.9969
11-10-2024 11.9753
10-10-2024 11.9902
09-10-2024 11.9823
08-10-2024 11.9515
07-10-2024 11.9451
04-10-2024 11.9446
03-10-2024 11.9558
01-10-2024 11.9273
30-09-2024 11.9416
27-09-2024 11.9393
26-09-2024 11.9507
25-09-2024 11.9426
24-09-2024 11.9392
23-09-2024 11.937
20-09-2024 11.9258
19-09-2024 11.9155
17-09-2024 11.9005
16-09-2024 11.8661
13-09-2024 11.8699
12-09-2024 11.8577
11-09-2024 11.8412
10-09-2024 11.8518
09-09-2024 11.8501
06-09-2024 11.8453
05-09-2024 11.8332
04-09-2024 11.8381
03-09-2024 11.823
02-09-2024 11.82
30-08-2024 11.8134
29-08-2024 11.7921
28-08-2024 11.8052
27-08-2024 11.7975
26-08-2024 11.7952
23-08-2024 11.7878
22-08-2024 11.8005
21-08-2024 11.7954
20-08-2024 11.7818
19-08-2024 11.7596
16-08-2024 11.7528
14-08-2024 11.7571
13-08-2024 11.7497
12-08-2024 11.7495
09-08-2024 11.7425
08-08-2024 11.7433
07-08-2024 11.7326
06-08-2024 11.7299
05-08-2024 11.7158
02-08-2024 11.6927
01-08-2024 11.6898
31-07-2024 11.6785
30-07-2024 11.6946
29-07-2024 11.6742
26-07-2024 11.6659
25-07-2024 11.6597
24-07-2024 11.6583
23-07-2024 11.6449
22-07-2024 11.6529
19-07-2024 11.6421
18-07-2024 11.6297
16-07-2024 11.6439
15-07-2024 11.63
12-07-2024 11.6218
11-07-2024 11.637
10-07-2024 11.6147
09-07-2024 11.6135
08-07-2024 11.6095
05-07-2024 11.5982
04-07-2024 11.6039
03-07-2024 11.5871
02-07-2024 11.5796
01-07-2024 11.5705
28-06-2024 11.5708
27-06-2024 11.5716
26-06-2024 11.5754
25-06-2024 11.5738
24-06-2024 11.5761
21-06-2024 11.5593
20-06-2024 11.5628
19-06-2024 11.5532
18-06-2024 11.5386
14-06-2024 11.5316
13-06-2024 11.5236
12-06-2024 11.5299
11-06-2024 11.5128
10-06-2024 11.5271
07-06-2024 11.5042
06-06-2024 11.4978
05-06-2024 11.489
04-06-2024 11.4768
03-06-2024 11.5238
31-05-2024 11.5011
30-05-2024 11.4835
29-05-2024 11.4949
28-05-2024 11.5011
27-05-2024 11.4923
24-05-2024 11.4875
22-05-2024 11.4646
21-05-2024 11.459
17-05-2024 11.4524
16-05-2024 11.4574
15-05-2024 11.4408
14-05-2024 11.4275
13-05-2024 11.418
10-05-2024 11.4
09-05-2024 11.3846
08-05-2024 11.4074
07-05-2024 11.4117
06-05-2024 11.4213
03-05-2024 11.3854
02-05-2024 11.3836
30-04-2024 11.3637
29-04-2024 11.3692
26-04-2024 11.3618
25-04-2024 11.3498
24-04-2024 11.3546
23-04-2024 11.351
22-04-2024 11.3498
19-04-2024 11.3386
18-04-2024 11.366
16-04-2024 11.3487
15-04-2024 11.3592
12-04-2024 11.3315
10-04-2024 11.3475
08-04-2024 11.3431
05-04-2024 11.3672
04-04-2024 11.3751
03-04-2024 11.3695
02-04-2024 11.3575
31-03-2024 11.3705
28-03-2024 11.3663
27-03-2024 11.3374
26-03-2024 11.3295

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